Large Green Ball by George Woollard

Large Green Ball

img_5607It is the mystery of it that excites. We all know about balls but this one is strange. The facets catch the light in a variety of ways, there is the suggestion of a seat on top, it shows cracks that tell you that it is made of wood and then there is the color which is more like a plant color. It has an undeniable presence but does not fit into a clear definition of known objects. It is a curiosity. Its purpose is to excite and provoke. Art is like that, real but not real. Quantum physics tells us that at a certain level, it is possible to be in two places at once. I like that, art has been doing that for a long time. It is surreal, two things at once. This thing is heavy, more than a hundred pounds. It is no beach ball. It comes from a tree but does not look like a tree. Can there be irony in such a simple thing?