Jinja Kim and George Woollard, Wire & Wood show

Artists’ Talk & Walk Through the “Wire and Wood”

My wife Jinja Kim and I came from opposite ends of the earth and met here in Hawaii in the printmaking shop at the Univ. of Hawaii in 1972. We were both enrolled in the MFA program in printmaking. I think we saw in each other a kindred spirit – we had a passion for art that had been there since early childhood. It is this common ground that has been our savior for nearly forty years of marriage.

This is, in fact, our second show together at the Koa Art Gallery. Our last time was in 2000. Some things have changed, mainly we have gotten older. But we have never taken a break from making art.

Outwardly, you would think we have been successful, we have a beautiful home and studio, and a new car, and a dog in the driveway. But we still have trouble making ends meet. It’s just that not making art is not an option for us. We would shrivel up and die without art in our lives. Art defines us, enlivens us and makes us whole. It is a religion, a faith and an obsession. We do not make art because it is lucrative, or brings us fame. It is our fate.

We would like to have the opportunity to share more thoughts on the life of an artist and to talk about the current body of work we are showing at the Koa Art Gallery. Please join us for a little talk and walk-through of the gallery on Thursday, April 13th at 2:30 pm. We’d love to see you there!

Our show “Wire and Wood” will be up until April 21st at the Koa Art Gallery.

Address: KCC, 4303 Diamond Head Rd, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816. Koa Gallery hours are Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm. The events and exhibition are free and open to the public.

Jinja Kim & George Woollard